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Guns N‘ Roses veröffentlichen neuen Song „Hard Skool“

Guns N' Roses veröffentlichten mit Hard Skool einen neuen Song — und eigentlich müssten wir beim Wort „neu“ wie schon beim letzten Mal Anführungszeichen dazuschreiben.

 von Markus Brandstetter

Es ist der zweite Song, den Axl Rose, Slash, Duff McKagan & Co. uns in den letzten Monaten hören lassen. Wie auch beim letzten Stück Absurd handelt es sich bei Hard Skool aber eigentlich um kein neues Lied, sondern um ein Überbleibsel aus den ausufernden Sessions zu Chinese Democracy – allerdings neu aufgenommen und somit natürlich mit jeder Menge unverkennbarem Les-Paul-Sound von Slash.

Rückkehr zum alten Sound?

Apropos Gitarrensound von Slash: Der war in Absurd zwar definitiv präsent, so richtig als klassisches Guns-N'-Roses-Stück konnte man Absurd aber eher nicht bezeichnen. Bei Hard Skool ist das etwas anders: Es ist ein relativ eingängiges, rotziges Rockstück, Axl Rose zeigt sich stimmlich in guter Form und kreischt fast so schön wie in alten Zeiten. Einzig die Bridge, bei der die Dynamik deutlich zurückfährt, fällt etwas aus der Reihe.

Ob die beiden veröffentlichten Songs Teil eines neuen Albums sein werden, wann und ob dieser tatsächlich erscheint und ob auch wirklich neue Stücke darauf enthalten sind, bleibt weiterhin abzuwarten.

Die Lyrics von Hard Skool:

All cautions made Every chance was given No effort spared To save what we had All in good faith I would not hesitate To extend myself And lend you my hand

But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away Too hard school and you thought you were here to stay If that were true, it wouldn't matter anyway

As tempers fade And lies forgiven No cause embraced Could break what we had In its place A storm is lifting I would've thought you could be more of a man

But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away Too hard school and you thought you were here to stay If that were true, it wouldn't matter anyway

But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away Too hard school and you thought you were here to stay If that were true, it wouldn't matter anyway

You had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away Too hard school and you thought you were here to stay If that were true, it wouldn't matter anyway

You had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away Too hard school and you thought you were here to stay If that were true, it wouldn't matter anyway

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